
Friday, October 31, 2008

The 4th Dimension of the Entrepreneurial Personality: The Leader

The last dimension according to Michael Gerber in his book, Awakening the Entrepreneur within, is: The Leader

By far, leadership is the most important. You can have a great vision or dream, think strategically about that dream, and even tell the story of the dream effectively, but if you don't have the ability to lead people into the new reality, you're sunk. Here are a few of my personal thoughts from my experiences with start up leaders:

1. Think Growth. Leaders grow people. Plain and Simple. In order to realize your dream, you've got to be committed to the personal growth of the people that are around you. A leader who only focuses on growth the vision and not the people of the vision has missed the whole point.

2. Think Effectiveness. In every dream there are a multitude of smaller dreams that can sidetrack an organization. Jim Collins would call it "Good, the enemy of Great." Michael Gerber would call them, "nusances." Others might call them "chasing rabbits." The best leaders know how to keep their people focused on the right priorities long-term.

3. Think Systems. The greatest leaders, as Michael Gerber has so effectively claimed in all of his E-Myth books, know how to use systems to accomplish a goal. The best leaders move the focus away from their personality and toward systems all of the time. If it can't be systematized then it shouldn't be done.

? What level of leader are you, 1 to 10? ? What can you begin to do to grow yourself and the leaders around you to become better leaders? ? How system driven is your thinking?

The Greatest Entrepreneurs are the ones who leverage each of the 4 Dimensions of their Personality to accomplish the Dream God has placed in their heart.

The Dreamer, The Thinker, The Storyteller, & The Leader. 4 Essentials to every great start up organization.



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