
Monday, October 13, 2008

Back by Popular Demand - More Thoughts on "Being Funny"

So last week’s “Being Funny” blogs were so well received, I decided to throw out 5 more thoughts on How I think about Being Funny. So without further ado (again) and back by popular demand… Here are 5 More Bloggish thoughts on Being Funny.

#6: Laughter truly is the best medicine.

The Bible gets this one right in Proverbs when it says that “Laughter is like a good medicine.” I have found that to be true. People love to laugh and the truth is, something physiological takes place in our bodies when we laugh regularly.

Are you laughing enough in your life right now? This is a weird time in our nation and for a lot of us we’re struggling in a lot of different areas.

My recommendation would be to tap some humor into your life. 3 Thoughts:

1. Laugh Intentionally. Find funny stuff to watch or listen to and give yourself permission to Fully Laugh.

2. Laugh at yourself. Find the funny, quirky, and goofy stuff you do on a regular basis and laugh at yourself. (Like talk to yourself, or make up strange or ridiculous rules for your kids… like “No more talking with your mouth full and looking away while you’re scooping ice cream for your little brother and watching TV.” Not that I’ve ever said that…)

3. Laugh at life. Give yourself permission to laugh while you’re sitting in traffic, or at the doctors office reception area. Don’t worry about what other people think, trust me they’re not thinking about you anyway!!!



Cara Donahue said...

Where I work, I sit by myself in a big voluminous lobby/ retrofitted warehouse, where everything can be heard. I'm not sure which is better: me laughing boisterously at my desk with no one there OR when someone is telling me a funny story and I am laughing so hard that I have brought out multiple principals who want to join in. I had to work hard at not worrying about being self conscious of my laugh, and just enjoy the moment for what it is.
Thanks for taking the leap of not being so self conscious of yourself to talk about humor.

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