
Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Greatest Story to Hear - Listening - Part 4

Mike, our associate pastor at NLC, loves to say, "We love to hear our story more than anyone else does." And it's sad, but true, isn't it? When it comes to hearing a great story, we love to talk about our own. However, when it comes to learning and listening, the greatest story to hear is someone else's.

Accessing someone else's story does 3 things for us:

1. Allows us to see the world from another's point of view.

2. Allows us to feel another's emotions.

3. Allows us to learn from someone else's experiences. If we have to experience something first hand in order to learn from it, we'll never live enough life to learn all that we need to know. Listening to someone else's story gives us a chance to gain wisdom the easy way... from someone else.

Who's story do you need to hear today? Take a minute and listen... it will be well worth it.

Just a bloggish thought,



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