
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Personal Mentoring Stories - Part 3

On Wednesday of last week, I talked about being mentored by listening to messages from great leaders. Recently, I got to hear Andy Stanley talk about Making Vision Stick. It wasn't the first time I've heard Andy talk about vision but it was timely for me.

5 ways to make vision stick:

1. State it Simply. Memorable is Portable!

2. Cast it Convincingly. Define the Problem, Offer a Solution, & Explain Why now!

3. Repeat it Regularly. Don't assume everyone knows.

4. Celebrate it Systematically. Stories do more to illustrate and clarify the vision then anything else we do.

5. Embrace it Personally and Publicly. Demonstrate that "I live this too!"

Who are you listening to and learning from right now?

Just a bloggish thought,



nathandiehl said...

I love Andy Stanley. So practical. Last week I watched a live round table discussion (Via MMI) with Stanley, and was struck by the fact that he sees many younger pastors wanting nothing to do with him because they think he's 'old school' now. I was amazed at that.
I think no matter how 'old school' someone is (and I don't think Stanley's old school), there are still timeless principles we can glean.
Stanley has such wonderful things to say about vision for sure!

I also love Maxwell, Tony Morgan, Perry Nobel's blog, I recently started following Steven Furtick's blog, Ed Young, Jr., Mike Ash, and of course, I've been a fan of Matt Keller for more than 15 years. Remember High School Bible Club! That's been like 15 years ago! Man how time flies!
I am very happy you're blogging, it's been great to follow what Next Level is up to, and hearing your heart again. God bless!

matthewkeller said...


It's always great to hear from you! Thanks for tracking with my blog. I'm so excited to get alot more systematic with it as it relates to teaching what we're learning.

You were there when it all began in the Auditorium of the HIgh School. Funny how in 15 years, somethings haven't changed much. I'm still talking every week in a high school auditorium.

Thanks for staying in touch,

Matt Keller

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