
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Trustworthy - Part 5

John Maxwell once said, "It's amazing what we're capable of when we don't care who gets the credit." Wow. Imagine what the Body of Christ could accomplish if we lived that? Imagine what our churches, businesses or organizations could accomplish if we didn't care who got the credit. Being found faithful is about Humility.

Humility is:

Truly celebrating your "competition." As much as we would like to think we're not in competition with one another in the body of Christ, the unfortunate reality is, In our minds, we are. I think it's just a natural tendency to "size one another up."

So here's a thought, what if instead of denouncing this tendency, we actually leveraged it? The next time you think a competitive thought toward another church in your city, stop and do 3 things:

1. Pray for them. On the surface, this looks like the easy one, but in actuality it's probably the most difficult. Pray for God's double portion blessing on them. Pray that their church will double by this time next year. Easier said than done.

2. Call them. Call them within 24 hours just to tell them that you love them and are their biggest fan in town!

3. Bless them. Go ahead, write them a check. Or buy them a gift card. The best way to be found trustworthy is by being kingdom minded. That means writing them a check. Even if, No, Especially if it looks like they don't need it. After all, that's just a cop out to not following through. (a sure sign that you are not trustworthy...)

Even if it's something small, do it. You'll be amazed at what happens in your heart when you become "invested" in what God is doing across town in their church. In the same way that the people of our church take a greater interest in what's happening when they pray, give & tell others, so we will begin to take a greater interest in the life, health and blessing on their church when we pray, give & tell others about it!

Humility is a huge attribute of being found Trustworthy. Humility encompasses our body, soul, & spirit. The 3 recommendations above involve all 3.

I dare you to try it... & see what happens in your life.

That's what it means to be Trustworthy,

Just a bloggish thought,



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