
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Trustworthy - Part 4

I don't want to go there, but I have to.  My only hope is that you'll not tune me out, or click away too soon.  But being found trustworthy is about patience.  And doggone it if the King James word for patience is long-suffering.  Oh come on, King James, that just sucks.  Patience is:

1.  The ability to not have what you want and still have a life. Too many leaders have destination disease.  They think that just because they haven't arrived means they're not going anywhere.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  And honestly, the longer I'm in this thing as a leader, the more I'm realizing that the life is what happens while we're waiting to arrive at a destination.

2.  Being okay with where you are. Alot of leaders are living with a constant gnawing in their stomach because they aren't where they thought they would be by this time in their life.  Being trustworthy means learning the art of being okay with where you are.  Until we embrace where we are, we have given God no evidence that He can trust us with the next place we want to be.

3.  Learning what we need to learn here, so we can move on. If we don't get what we're supposed to get at each stop on the train, we'll have to circle back later to learn it again.  Too many leaders are spending too much time circling back because they lacked the patience in the moment to pause and ask, "What is it I'm supposed to learn now?"

As hard as it is, if we want to be found trustworthy, we've got to be willing to grow the fruit of patience in our lives.

Just a bloggish thought,



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