
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Momentum - Part 3 - Momentum Killers

Too many great visions have never come to pass simply because a leader could not find the momentum needed to keep the organization moving forward up the hill they were called to climb! Being able to recognize the momentum killers around you will allow you to head them off at the pass, and keep the momentum moving in your organization. Here are a few big Momentum Killers...

1. Negativity. Nothing will kill momentum like a negative voice in the organization. It has always been my thought to go right at the voice in a private way. Most negativity comes from people "not feeling heard." I am a firm believer in the idea that, "there aren't too many things we can't work out with a little bit of communication." Therefore I make it my practice to keep short accounts. I love the saying, "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

2. Lack of Perceived Wins. One mistake leaders often make is not celebrating along the way enough. Everyone loves to win! And, there are wins happening everyday in our organizations. The problem is, we are not noticing them, or we haven't trained our people to notice them. Teaching our people to focus on the wins will generate momentum automatically.

3. People Playing Out of Position. Nothing will demoralize team members like playing out of position. No one wants to watch Shaquille O'Neal try and play point guard for an entire game. That's just plain painful. He's a great player, but not as a point guard. We will kill momentum in our organization if people feel like they're playing out of position, or being under-utilized. Truth be told, if we don't deal with it, they'll leave the team.

Of course, there are more, but these are 3 big ones. Keep an eye on these, and you'll end up with more momentum.

Just a bloggish thought,



Deb said...


What a great topic & how appropriate the timing is for where I am in my organization! This topics brings me back to our group discussion when you illustrated momentum with the drawing of the steps. Miss you & Sarah!

Send my love to everyone!

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