
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Momentum - Part 2

Every leader is constantly looking for ways to generate momentum in their organization. When it comes to your organization, the most effective way to generate momentum is by creating opportunities for your people to Unite! This can be found in a few ways:

1. Find a common enemy. Everyone wants to unite around something they don't like. Unfortunately, that can have negative effects on an organization, but it certainly is one way to generation some momentum.  There are good enemies for your organization to do battle against.  My recommendation is to find one of those!

2. Find a common cause. Positive momentum is found when a leader begins to unite the troops around a new cause to fight for! Look around your community, there may be a cause just beyond your reach that you can leverage to generate new momentum in your organization.  This is why churches feel so much momentum around building programs.  It gives people a common cause to fight for, for a season.  The danger is the momentum let down they feel when they finally move into the building etc.  The greater cause is a people cause.

3. Find a common hill to climb. Nothing unites people in an organization like a vision of a higher place, not just a bigger bottom line. People will sacrifice, serve, give, pray and live for a vision that makes a difference in the world around them and improves their organization! Find that, and you'll find momentum.

Tomorrow we'll talk about momentum killers...

Just a bloggish thought,



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