
Friday, May 9, 2008

Personal Mentoring Stories - Part 5

On Friday of last week, I wrote about being mentored by the people of the Bible. Here's one of my recent encounters with a Bible character named Baruch. It's found in Jeremiah 45:1-5

1. Baruch is pretty discouraged. (I can relate sometimes.)

2. Baruch is not sure how much more he can handle.

3. The prophet Jeremiah delivers a word from God to him.

4. God's Word challenges Baruch to see his life as a reward for his faithfulness to God.

5. God ends by saying, "I the Lord have spoken to you today!" I love that God wants to make sure Baruch knows that it was Him who was giving him encouragement, not a man!

By Entering the Bible and not just Reading the Bible, I was able to put myself in Baruch's shoes and actually hear God speaking to me as well.

When was the last time you put yourself in someone's shoes in the Bible? God's waiting to encourage you, if you'll let yourself be mentored by the characters of the Bible.

Just a bloggish thought,



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