
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Friendship - Part 2 - More than Negativity

Thought #2: I need more than negativity to establish a friendship.

I often say that, “The least common denominator of unity is negativity.” In other words, if you want to get on someone’s good side, all you have to do is find what they don’t like and agree with them! It’s sad but true. Try it. It really works.

Although that may be a good strategy for finding common ground with an enemy or a stranger, it’s a bad strategy for friendships. Friends need more in common than just their enemies. In fact, truly great friendships have a few common characteristics.

1. They share common interests. Great friends unite around things that both people enjoy. Golf, TV Shows, a hobby, etc.

2. They share a common cause. A second level for friendships is a common cause. When two people have a shared purpose or goal, the potential for the friendship to increase goes up exponentially.

3. They share a common foundation. A third level for a friendship is in the core beliefs of the two people involved. When two people share a belief system or core conviction, that brings a baseline of stability and longevity to the friendship that is unmatched.

? What unites you and your friends? Is it just a common enemy, or does it go deeper than that?

Just a bloggish thought,



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