
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Friendship - Part 3 - Laughing Together

Thought #3: True Friends Laugh together.

I love to laugh. In fact, I tend to believe that funny things happen in our lives everyday, most of us are just too serious to actually see them. Anyway, one of the great unifiers of friendship is laughter.

Laughter can breakthrough walls like nothing else can. The best way to cause people to be at ease is through laughter. Great bonds of friendship exist when the guard of our heart is taken down. Laughter can do that like few other things can.

Laughter creates a shared experience like nothing else can. When we laugh together, something deeper happens. Laughter can burn memories into our hearts like few other things can.

Laughter makes people feel encouraged like nothing else can. Have you ever shared an evening laughing with someone and as you left you noticed that you felt better about yourself, your life and your friendship? That’s the power of laughter.

I love to laugh with my friends.

? Who do you laugh with on a regular basis?

Just a bloggish thought,



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