
Friday, August 29, 2008

Friendship - Part 5 - Saying the Hard Things

Thought #5: Great Friends say the hard things.

The Bible says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend.” Nothing could be more true. For the past 4 days we’ve talked about laughing together, and bringing out the best in each other, and believing and trusting in our friendships. But truly great friends, don’t shy away from the hard stuff, just because it’s hard.

True friendship is about saying what needs to be said, in a spirit of love and encouragement, even when it’s hard. No, especially when it’s hard.

One of my best friends, Mike Ash, calls it, “Putting the friend above the friendship.”

There will inevitably be times in our friendships where we are called upon to say the hard thing, even when it’s uncomfortable. That’s true friendship. That’s true love.

? Are you willing to say the hard things, in a spirit of love, when you need to?

? When was the last time one of your friends said the hard thing to you? Do you think your friends feel comfortable saying the hard things to you? Why or why not?

? Are you willing to invite the hard thing conversations?

Have a great weekend,



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