
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

5 Words I Use to Describe my Team - Part 2

Yesterday, we started a series of blogs on the words I use to describe the team I get to do life with at Next Level Church. Word #2 is:


As a leader, I don't just see our team as a team with a job to do, but I work very hard to see each member of our team as an individual.  Here's what that means to me...

1. They're not me. I recognized along time ago that I bring a few things to the table that I do well. But there are alot of other areas where I need a team to make them happen with excellence. Our team at NLC brings their strengths to the table and that makes them great! They're great because they're not me! It makes passing the ball easy when you know where you're strong, and when you know where your teammates are strong!

2. They have their own Hopes & Dreams. As a leader, I want to always be in tune with the fact that every teammate at NLC has a unique calling and vision for their life. In many ways, their vision overlaps the NLC vision, but in some ways, it's my responsibility to know their vision and help them realize that dream! That's true success for me as a leader.

3. They need affirmation, belief and encouragement. One of my primary responsibilities as a leader is to cheer on my teammates. They are absolute champions of the vision of NLC and I've got to let them know it in as many creative ways as I possibly can! I never want my team to doubt for a minute that I'm not their biggest fan!

Who are the teammates in your life? When was the last time you told them they're doing a great job & that you are their biggest fan?

I love these guys,



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