
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Adrenaline Addiction - Part 4

#4: The Dangers of Adrenaline Addiction to your Staff:

When a leader becomes addicted to the adrenaline of progress in their organization, the people they lead are effected in the following ways:

1. They begin to see Progress as a Core Value, instead of People. That which gets celebrated, gets rewarded. When we leaders let adrenaline and progress drive us, our staff can begin to believe that matters more than the people we are leading.

2. They begin to prioritize Shallow over Deep. When an organization gets moving so fast, the underlying belief becomes, forget about depth, just keep the water moving, even if it's shallow. That's bad news for an organization.

3. They begin to pursue Pace over Purpose. "It's more important to our leader that we move fast somewhere, then become something significant." That's a dangerous place to be as an organization.

As leaders we must examine our hearts to see where we are unintentionally communicating any of these 3 things to our people.

Just a bloggish thought,



Cory Jenk said...

Do you think King David did the census because he thought it was the Lord's will or did he think that numbers/statistics would be a measurement of his faith and his love for the Lord?

Cory Jenk said...

No problem. I guess I brought it up is because it really ties in with Matt's 3rd principle.. They begin to pursue pace over purpose.

I think with evangelism or church planting.. there is that mind trap of the "numbers game"..

Oh no, I didn't have x amount of bible studies this month.. or Oh no, our church didn't have x amount of baptisms this year...

And sometimes we can get frustrated because of the Pace ('Numbers game' mind trap).. when really the Purpose is to have a Awesome Relationship with God and to walk in Love.

I have sometimes wondered did David fall into the same trap.. or am I just trying to putting something into the Bible that isn't there?

Cory Jenk said...

Mr. Steffens,

For the record, I hope you realize I am not against Evangelism or Church Planting. In fact, I learning to love evangelism myself.. you truly get to know and understand God on a deeper level by practicing it daily.

I think in Asia there was a woman that challenged her members to witness/evangelize to at least one person per day. I think that is probably the smartest approach to evangelism that I have ever heard.

What I am concerned about is the transition from church planting to being a established church.. and that is where I feel like the 3rd principle that Mr. Keller is speaking of falls into place.

Cory Jenk said...

Great blog.. I guess I rambled as well. A lot of stuff to sort of reflect and chew on!

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