
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Achievers vs. Leaders - Part 2

A second difference between an "Achiever's Mindset" and a "Leader Mindset" shows up in the realm of Goals.

Achievers prioritize Personal Goals. It's easy to fall into the tendency we all have to place our primary focus on personal goals rather than the goals of the team, the organization and the people we lead. Many high achievers are great at setting and achieving goals, but struggle to take anyone else along with them.

Leaders prioritize the Goals and Dreams of others. A Leadership Mindset focuses primarily on the goals of the team, the organization and the people around them. Leaders do whatever they can to help those around them achieve their goals.

I have noticed that this is a difficult transition for Church Planters to make, because so many times, much of their entire ministry experience has been about their high achievements and their goals. When you move into a church planting setting, your focus has to shift from achievement of your own goals to leading others to achievement of their goals. Helping others win creates a win for your organization.

Even if that means that people have to leave the team to achieve their goals. The ultimate sign of great leadership is being able to release people into their dreams and goals, even if it appears to come at the expense of your personal dreams or goals. Somehow, God has a way of taking care of our dreams and goals when we, as leaders, take care of others.

What's in your people's heart? Do you know? Do our people know that we care about their hopes and dreams and not just the goals of ourself or our organization?

Just a bloggish thought,



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