
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Adrenaline Addiction - Part 3

#3: Progress can cause us to get out of Balance.

In continuing our conversation about Adrenaline Addiction, it's important to think through how the lust for Progress can cause us to get out of balance in our lives.

1. We get out of Balance with the Healthy Rhythm of Growth. Our organizations need to grow and rest in rhythm. The Adrenaline Addiction associated with Progress can cause us to push through seasons of rest, rather than take advantage of them and use them as necessary preparations for the future.

2. We get out of Balance with the True Identity of our Organization. If all we are concerned with is growth and progress, we'll compromise the true heart of our organization on the altar of More, More, More. Too many churches or organizations have lost their soul in the midst of gaining the world.

3. We get out of Balance with equal but less glamourous or adrenalized priorities. When we're addicted to adrenaline, we don't want to focus on stuff that doesn't feed our adrenaline need. Consequently, essential components of our organization don't get dealt with effectively, because we don't want to stop the progress long enough to think about them.

Man, we're diggin' in now aren't we?

Just a bloggish thought,



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