
Friday, June 27, 2008

How I Lead Myself - Part 5

To conclude our conversation about Leading Ourselves, I want to drill down in one final way:

#5: I have had to learn to Control My Integrity.

The reality of our life is this: We are the only person who can write our integrity by-line. For example, I'm the only person who can complete the following statement:

"Oh, Matt Keller, he's the ______________ guy!"

We have the power to fill in the blank. The way we live our life today will determine how people fill in the blank for years to come. How people describe us in the future is directly related to how we lead ourselves in the present.

We can't ever let off the gas when it comes to our Integrity. The minute you think you've arrived is the minute that satan will attack. I heard someone say once that, "Satan is extremely patient. He'll wait for decades to attack us in our area of greatest weakness." As leaders, we don't have the luxury of getting lazy in the area of integrity.

After all, someone soon will make the statement about us, "Oh, (insert name), they are the __________ guy / woman."

Where have you gotten lazy in your integrity? What are you going to do about today?

Just a bloggish thought,



nathandiehl said...

This reminds me of something that happened a few months ago.
I was at my cousin's wedding in Ohio, about an hour from where we grew up in Indiana. As I was talking to the groom when I heard a guy just next to me say, '...Matt Keller in Fort Myers, Florida.'
I looked over at the guy and didn't have a clue who it was.
I don't remember exactly what he said, but it was some good stuff. He obviously had great admiration for you.

I think you've left a great trail of integrity. I've never heard anyone speak a word of ill-will again you, it's all been good.

You're dead-on with this post.

On another note, your dad was on page 1, above fold, of The Evening Star last week.

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