
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

5 Decisions I've Made about Me - Part 2

This week we're talking about 5 decisions I've made about my personal strengths, passions, giftings, talents, hopes and dreams. It's not enough to just have all those things, we have to make daily decisions that move us in the direction of them. Here's #2...

Decision #2: I will Prepare Now for a Preferred Future Later.

One of the greatest hang ups to playing to our areas of talent and passion is that we're waiting for the Long Bomb. In other words, we think, "Well, since I can't do something big with this yet, I won't do anything."

As someone who desires to make an impact on people, I have made the decision that I am going to do something today that helps me take a step or two in the direction of my greatest talents, strengths, passions and abilities.

We can't have a destination mentality when it comes to playing to our strengths. The destination is today. What will we do today that will help us to develop or grow our talents and abilities?

Challenge Question: What 1 thing (no matter how small it may seem) will you do today to move in the direction of your greatest talents and passions?

just a bloggish thought,



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