
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

5 Decisions I've Made about Me - Part 3

Decision #3: I will have courage in facing the unknowns that arise from advancing in my talents.

Here's what I'm learning about my talents... The further I go in developing them, the more there is that I don't know about them! The natural tendency for humans is to resist what we don't know. Especially when it's an area we're passionate about. The last thing in the world we want is to look stupid, especially in an area we care about, right?

I am making the decision to push past those fears and just go hard into learning all that I don't know about the areas of my life that I am passionate about and have talent in. Here's why...

The minute I learn something new, I add exponential value to myself. Because I'm developing an area of strength, I don't just add value, I multiply it! For example, when I learn something new about public speaking (an area of strength for me) I make myself way more valuable, then when I learn something new about Rock Climbing (an area of weakness for me!)

Challenge Question: Where have you been letting fear or insecurity keep you from learning or growing in an area of strength or passion?

just a bloggish thought,



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