
Friday, July 18, 2008

5 Decisions I've Made about Myself - Part 5

Decision #5: I will take responsibility for leveraging my passions and talents in such a way that they add value to others way more than they will ever be able to add value to me.

There is a temptation that can begin to creep in as we grow in our areas of strength and giftedness and that is this...

Our talents can become more about Us then Others. In other words, we allow our passions and abilities to add more value to us than they do others. Pursuing them becomes more about what they can do for us, then it does what they can do for others.

The true path to greatness is found when we use our Strengths, Passions, Talents and Giftings to add more value to others, than they could ever add to ourselves.

Challenge Question: Are we using our talents for personal gain, or for adding value to others?

just a bloggish thought,



Ed Steffens said...

Beautiful thought Matt,

It can become much more of a challenge to apply this idea than one might imagine. The task becomes one of revealing to others who and what they are capable of being by "loving reflection and encouragement". I think it is no accident parents, when love is the motivation, exemplify this decision 5 best.

How does that change how we see our relationship with our Father in heaven?


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