
Monday, July 28, 2008

How I think about Leadership Development - Part 1

One of the keys to growing a successful organization is in the realm of leadership development. I have a huge heart for growing leaders! This week’s blogs are centered around how I think about reproducing leaders.

#1: It’s not something I do, it’s part of who I am.

Reproducing leaders isn’t just an item on my to do list. I carve out large blocks of time to devote myself to intentional leadership development. This stems from a belief I have that reproducing leaders is the way to change the world.

As Leaders, we don’t have the luxury of NOT reproducing leaders. It’s the only way to multiply our effectiveness.

I have a heart to see others become better. Perhaps it’s just the pastor’s heart in me, but I have a desire to see other leaders grow in their leadership ability and giftings. Again, that stems from a belief that when we grow a leader, we multiply our effectiveness.

Challenge question: How much time are you dedicating in a week to growing the leaders around you? Nothing is quite as important as that.

Just a bloggish thought,



innovativeministryleader said...

Great insight Matt!

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